Fall 2015 Enrollment
Enrollment Packets are available at FAMILY WELCOME AND ENROLLMENT CENTER (see below).
Enrollment Dates for Victor Elementary School are February 23, 24 & 25. If you miss those dates the make up date for Victor is March 6. After that date, enrollment for all schools will be April 1st and later.
Transitional Kindergarten – children who were born between September 2, 2010 and December 2, 2010 – Enrollment date is Friday, March 13. Make-up day for Transitional Kindergrten is March 27, 2015
Family Welcome and Enrollment Center
All new families to Torrance must enroll at the Family Welcome and Enrollment Center located at the district offices on 2335 Plaza Del Amo. You can access their website by clicking here.
A presentation by Mr. Baker and Mrs. Okazaki for new kindergarten parents can be found here.